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Choose Sleep Apnea Therapy in Grapevine to Get Your Zzzzz’s

January 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — smilesbymartinteam @ 11:11 pm

Unfortunately, there are many reasons why people don’t sleep well: late night work, a recorded television show, and a new baby to name only a few. For some, however, lack of rest is because of a sleep disorder, the most common of which is sleep apnea. Some 20 million American adults have sleep apnea and an estimated 80 percent are undiagnosed. The most common form of this condition is obstructive sleep apnea, when breathing is interrupted because soft tissue in the throat obstructs your airway. Luckily, there is a solution. With sleep apnea therapy in Grapevine, Dr. Martin diagnoses patients and prescribes a custom-fitted oral appliance to maintain and open airway.



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